Online Escape Game "The Heist Begins"

The story

"Your plans are well organized," lawyer Magniski told the four gang leaders. "Your burglars from Amsterdam will go to the safe in the room of the curator of the Rijksmuseum as soon as possible. The digital lock decoder of the hackers from Almelo will help you with that. And now take action, we don't have all night!"

This online esacape game, with an emphasis on puzzle solving, is part of the story of the Real Life Escape Game "After the Heist". The story of "The Heist Begins" takes place in the timeline of "After the Heist", but is not played out in the real life game.

The online escape room

  • This is suitable for 1-5 players.
  • The game takes about an hour.
  • Hints can be consulted per puzzle. When competing hints add extra time to end result.
  • Costs are low: only 15 euros per group.
  • Once you register, you must play the game within 3 days.
  • With multiple teams competing against each other: download end time to compare results
The Heist Begins



Wanna know more about 'The Heist Begins'? Please contact us. We are happy to help.


'The Heist begins' is an experience of

Tromplaan 10, 3951 CL Maarn
M + 31 (0)6 80 07 36 07
KVK 66061644


    2 april 2021

    Nou er hebben 17 teams met veel plezier meegedaan. Met 35 minuten tot niet klaar na 1 uur 10 minuten was de uitslag erg variabel.

    Maar iedereen was echt heel enthousiast. Dus complimenten over hoe het in elkaar zit

    11 maart 2021

    Thanks for all the support!

    We have just finished the game and it was a success, the team really enjoyed!

    It was not easy but super fun! Good balance 😊

    Thanks a lot for the great service and hope we can play again in the future, in case you release new versions!

    6 februari 2021

    Echt heel leuk! Een aanrader! Ik vertel het door!

    6 februari 2021

    30 januari 2021

    De escape room middag was een succes. Leuk gedaan!


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